Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak
Whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year?

Dear Phillip;

It happened again: the ball dropped in Times Square and a new year has started... without you.  It is really quite unbearable.  Your New Year's Eve hat says 2008.  Last night they wore 2014.  Has it really been 6 years since you sat in the frigid weather with Eric and thousands of other people to bring in the new year?

The latest FARA news includes a study that quantifies the deterioration in the optic nerves of Friedreich's Ataxians; further reminding me just how hard you had to work at everything - even seeing. I wish I could tell you how brave you were.  Did I ever do that?  Did I tell you that enough?  I doubt it. You were SO incredibly brave.  You greeted every day with a smile, even though you knew that the entire day would be a series of struggles.

I will wait.  And wait.  But I am Standing on the Promise that I will get to tell you how brave you were.    And how much of a blessing you were in my life.

I miss you so much.